“The Gold Standard”
“An Australian First”
… “A Star Emerges”

Tailored Branding and Tools to Keep your Audience Immersed.

Data Layering

Conduct in-depth analysis with our coveted drilldown feature and delve into multi-layered data for free-flowing analysis.

Historical Comparisons

See how past election results inform current trends.

Contextual Information

Provide viewers with insights on the potential driving forces behind voter behavior - age, gender, income, etc.

Scenario Building

Create "what-if" scenarios to engage viewers on potential outcomes.

Smart Markups

Create markups and highlight areas to provide an interactive experience.

Swing State Panel

Allow your host to access data directly from the swing-states that are key to determining election outcomes.

iK Elections Insights deployments in the Media Industry

Coloring the Map : iK's 2024 US Election Blog

EU Elections: Why are they so important for you?

Every five years, citizens across the EU's 27 member countries head to the polls to elect their representatives to the European Parliament. So why should the rest of the world pay attention to the EU Elections?
Cyrus Doomasia
April 15, 2024

The Intrigue of Super Tuesday

The term “Super Tuesday” has existed since the 1970s—originally referring to the last big collection of primaries. Its modern usage was cemented in the 1980s, as many southern states moved their primaries earlier in the calendar to increase their influence in the process. Since then, as a rule, in both parties, a clear front-runner has emerged from Super Tuesday, often becoming the nominee.
Matt DeCourcey
March 4, 2024

2024: A BIG year for elections

About 50% of the world is participating in democratic elections this year. The United States, India, Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Taiwan, and many others, make 2024: A BIG year for elections.
Matt DeCourcey
February 16, 2024

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